navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor }) => {
const { routeName } = navigation.state;
const ICON_MAP = {
PersonalInfo: 'user',
MerchandiseList: 'archive',
NewMerchandise: 'plus',
MerchandiseGrid: 'th',
MerchandiseDetail: 'info-circle',
TransactionRecord: 'list',
ShoppingCart: 'shopping-cart'
// You can return any component that you like here! We usually use an
// icon component from react-native-vector-icons
const routeParams = navigation.state.params || {};
return (
name={ICON_MAP[routeName] || ''}
部分頁面關掉TabBar顯示或是部分頁面打開 StackNavigator's Header
headerMode - Specifies how the header should be rendered:
float - Render a single header that stays at the top and animates as screens are changed. This is a common pattern on iOS.
screen - Each screen has a header attached to it and the header fades in and out together with the screen. This is a common pattern on Android.
const AppNavigator = new TabNavigator(
MerchandiseGrid: new StackNavigator(
MerchandiseGrid: {
screen: MerchandiseGrid,
navigationOptions: { title: '商城', header: null } // disable header but open all headers in here
MerchandiseDetail: {
screen: MerchandiseDetail,
navigationOptions: { title: '商品詳細', tabBarVisible: false }
headerMode: 'screen'