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在未使用Docker 與 GCP 的時候,裸上nodejs 可以使用到GCP 的 log console
Different with VM
BeginPath to refresh previous moveTo
FillStyle to setup color
stroke to draw the line
draw circle in canvas by using arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle)
use Time variable to make animation in canvas
Draw a circle by connecting each two points as a line
swagger-node, create template project of node
describe response's property as null result to avoid Fail to schema validation problem
Add Authorize in Swagger API
Declare security need inside API's schema
Prepare swaggerSecurityHeandlers and verified API there
以看到事件距離自己目前地點的距離收費,e.g. 1km 的半徑免費 以上收費
可以上傳大頭貼與FB/Google 登入 或匿名
匿名如何建立事件? 必須留email ?
Disable file cache.
sendfile off
remote: Too many invalid password attempts. Try logging in through the website with your password.
fatal: unable to access 'https://zhang699@bitbucket.org/zhang699/rotan.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403
Solution: Update MAC's KeyChain
Write Swagger Spec as following: